It’s here! 2021:

Queen E. Phillips, Life Coach
2 min readJan 1, 2021

It has been a very challenging 2020 to say the least! Nevertheless, if you’re reading this, you now have an opportunity to begin again.

Many will say they want to forget 2020 because of all the calamity, challenges, loss and grief caused by the global pandemic. However, I am not certain that we should forget altogether. If we forget, we have no measurement or comparison for our now. And for believers we forfeit a reason to express our gratitude to God for protection and provision. Ultimately, we survived it all! That is something we should remember!

Of course! We mourn with the thousands who suffered great losses-death of family and friends, employment, and possessions. We dare deny the pains of 2020. Neither can we deny the faithfulness of Almighty God to His people. Therefore, we must trust Him to empower us to start fresh with a new perspective and that we are still here for a purpose.

Life’s interruptions have a way of reminding us what matters most — family, friends, kindness, generosity, and the fact that we have more in common that is invisible to the naked eye.

I pray that you and your family receive the portion God has just for you. May you experience His peace, which supersedes our understanding. May the love of Christ in you permeate your sphere of influence and overflow to others. May your hope in Christ be your portion as you trust Him as Lord of your life. May the stripes that Jesus took bring healing to your broken heart, and may you experience emotional, physical and spiritual healing.

Originally published at on January 1, 2021. Rev. 1/6/2021.

